Browsing CategoryHealth, Mind & Fitness

20 Signs That You Are a True LEO


I am a Leo. My eldest Son is a Leo, and I know lots of other Leos. And I am yet to come across another fellow Leonian (That’s an actual word, by the way) who doesn’t share and exhibit at least some of these traits below … (incidentally, if you exhibit all of them, then my sympathies are with your nearest and dearest.) what do you think? can you tick any of these traits off of the list? 20 SIGNS You are fiercely loyal to your friends and family – God help anyone who even hints at criticising those deemed…

Raising awareness for International Hyperemesis Awareness Day #HGDay16

“Calling HG ‘morning sickness’ is like calling a hurricane ‘a little rain.’” Every year Pregnancy Sickness Support joins forces with its sister organisation, the HER Foundation in the USA for International Hyperemesis Awareness Day on 15th May. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) across the world and to highlight the support and information both organisations can provide to sufferers, their families, friends, employers and even the healthcare professionals treating them. For those who don’t know what it is, Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is a debilitating and potentially life-threatening pregnancy disease. It is marked by rapid weight…

The fear factor – a guest post about social anxiety by Katy

We have been invited to a wedding do. Just the evening, but it’s a lovely thought from a cousin I don’t see very often. My mum is one of 5 and her mum was one of 6.  She spent about 5 years of her childhood in the same city as this batch of cousins and stayed close to some of them. So when I was a child I grew up with them and their offspring in my life. These are the people who will be at the wedding do.  They are lovely, loving, warm and funny people and it will…

Guest Post: Creating a Plant Based Diet

By Shelly Stinson. I have a lot of friends who are on diets. Some want to lose 10 pounds, some want to lose 100. But they all have one thing in common: they struggle with getting their minds where they need to be to help them meet their goals. Changing the way you eat is like making your bed a different way every morning or taking a different route to work. First, you must remind yourself that you’re making the change so you don’t subconsciously do what you always used to do. Then you have to slowly and cautiously engage…

I’m Taking Part in The National Three Peaks Challenge

  Some months ago, whilst sitting in a local beer garden in the late summer of last year (after a fair few pints I imagine!) some friends and I decided that it would be a mighty good idea to do The National Three Peaks Challenge this year  … And so, out came the diaries and the scratching of heads. The “hmm’s” and the “Er, how hard will this be exactly?” quandaries… and a few “ok. how hard will the training be?” queries. But a further group meeting at my house to discuss the intricacies of such a challenge on a National scale (over more wine) was all it took to…

Body Confidence, Blogging & Outfits

Girl at the table typing on a typewriter, vintage photo effect

  After just a little over year of blogging outfits on ZmG’s #FridayStylefinder post, I wanted to do a write an explanation of sorts. A conclusion, if you will. So, question: do I choose to write about fashion because I’m an expert; a qualified stylist; a total legend in the style stakes? God NO! and nor do I, for any amount of cotton-pickin’ seconds think that that I posses any particular flair for the subject. I just love it is all. And that’s all there is to it really – That’s the only reason I write these posts. I guess one of the perks…

Sleep is for the weak


I saw a piece on the news last week talking about undersleeping. At first I thought it was an April Fool, like the spaghetti tree or that little Lirpa Loof fella on That’s Life but it wasn’t. Undersleeping isn’t a joke. It’s much more dangerous than that. You know oversleeping? It’s like that. But more opposite. Being serious for just one cotton picking minute, insomnia is hell for those who suffer on a regular basis and it’s proven that lack of sleep can adversely effect one’s mood and quality of life. A recent poll of 2,000 adults revealed they get an average…

The only time I like being called normal. A guest post by Katy.

Female doctor wearing protective gloves, hands close up

It happens every 3 years. Through the letterbox plops an ominously official-looking envelope stamped NHS. Every time I greet it with a shudder. A faceless administrator has printed an automatically generated letter informing me I’m invited for a cervical smear. Euch there it is again: the involuntary shudder. I have had 2 children. If you’ve had any of the little treasures yourself you will know that having a stranger’s hand disappear up your flue quickly becomes acceptable, indeed expected, behaviour. I had an 8 day slow labour ending in my baby girl being removed by what can only be described…

The Best Piece of Advice I’ve Ever Read.

Girl lying in grass, reading a book.

  (Okay. Amongst other profound and useful things. For example, the instructions to my new rice cooker proved pretty invaluable when I cooked rice last night.) Something occurred to me recently – I spend an awful lot of time feeling melancholy about things. Usually family related. Always time related. And let me tell you, Time is a robbing bastard and feeling at the mercy of it can get pretty exhausting. Let me delve into this for you. Almost everyday, my happy moments have the power to actually flip-reverse, and make me feel the total opposite. And I wouldn’t mind betting…

Dry January. How is it For You?

a glass of wine in front of a fireplace

I will admit that this year, rather uncharacteristically, I have suffered the January blues. The big fat energy sucking, positivity zapping feelings of gloom and glumdom have hit. Big style. I never normally feel any different in January, I usually feel super-inspired in fact; full of plans and excitement for the year to come. If anything I normally feel green, or yellow perhaps … but never blue … Not this January though. Ah – That’ll be the lack of evening wine then. And weekend afternoon beers … coupled with crisps …and pork scratchings. And Friday night brandy (which usually starts to excite me on Wednesday) … Yes, Tis true.…